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The annual fundraiser to feed the hungry enlists potters throughout the state to make and donate hundreds of handmade bowls.  Artists use the opportunity to fine tune their craft, and try new ideas.  We even get non-potters involved for innovative ways to decorate the bowls.  Once the bowls are collected, Catholic Community Services of Utah and FFKR Architects host Empty Bowls, an event designed to benefit St. Vincent de Paul Dining Hall.

The 2024 Empty Bowls event will be held on  September 6th at FFKR Architects with drinks, live music, and free food. No registration or ticket purchase is necessary. Handmade bowls will be available for purchase starting at $20. All beverage and bowl profits will benefit St. Vincent de Paul Dining Hall’s mission of feeding those in our community impacted by hunger.

ARTISTS: The bowl submission deadline is Wednesday, September 4. Donations can be dropped off at St. Vincent de Paul Dining Hall, located at 437 W 200 S in Salt Lake City. Please make your donation on weekdays from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Empty Bowls
September 6th, 2024 6:00-8:00pm
FFKR Architects   730 Pacific Ave S, Salt Lake City, UT 84104

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